August 27, 2012

Once In A Blue Moon....

August 31st will host a "Blue Moon", an occurrence that actually isn't that rare. Blue Moon's occur just about every three years with the next one expected in 2015.  So you are probably thinking, if they aren't that rare then why have I never seen a "Blue" moon. Well a "Blue" moon actually doesn't refer to color. A Blue Moon is the 2nd full moon in a month and there is the old saying....Once In A Blue Moon. Normally each month has one full moon. August 1st displayed the first full moon of the month and now August 31st will display the second full moon which is considered the Blue Moon. However, the moon can take on many colors including blue but it all depends on the particles int he air and how light is being reflected. So even though you probably won't see a "Blue" moon this Friday, you will be witnessing a "Blue Moon".  Maybe someday you will get the chance to see a moon that is actually Blue.

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