NOAA released their winter outlook for the upcoming season yesterday. However, things may not go quite exactly the way they say due to a very hard El-Nino forecast this year. El-Nino plays a huge role when predicting the type of winter most of the U.S. will experience. This year many forecasters expected a weak to mild El-Nino to develop into the winter season. However the strengthening of El-Nino has been weaker than expected and is actually hanging around neutral. This makes it hard to determine the type of winter that the U.S. will have. But with that being said, the forecast should still be considered because it does take in some other factors and well it's basically all we have to go off of. According to NOAA, Crawford County will have "equal chances" of being above, below, and at average for precipitation and temperature this winter. The average amount of snowfall that Meadville receives annually is 108.5".
AccuWeather released their winter outlook a while ago and also hinted at an average year for our area. Check out the full
NOAA Winter Outlook here.
Also, don't forget that CrawfordWeather.com is looking for snow observers this upcoming winter season!
Read about it here.
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